Human Rights Violations in China Political Repression in China

30 Years After the Tiananmen Massacre: People of the Free World, Wake Up!

Beijing. June 3, 1989. The night was hot, humid … and long; very long. As dusk reluctantly gave way to the darkness, the 109-acre Tiananmen Square looked like a gigantic, steaming cauldron; the heat trapped by the concrete slabs during the day, painstakingly evaporating into the evening’s somewhat cooler air. From the distance, scattered lampposts […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Communists Bury Christian Woman Alive in China

April 14th, 2016 was an unusual day for a middle-aged Christian couple in Henan Province. The cacophonous sound of bulldozers became clearer and clearer to them, while they stood in front of their church. The pastor of the church, Jiangong and his wife Cuimei had refused to hand over their church grounds to a local […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Brother Yun

​Brother Yun is an exiled Chinese Christian. Currently, he lives in Germany and visits the United States twice a year to share his story of imprisonment and torture because of his faith. He also leads an exile ministry to bring more and more people to Christianity. His message is so powerful that people who doubt […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China Victims of Communism

My Christian Landmark

Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy god giveth thee to possess it. (Deuteronomy 19:14) Anastasia Lin, Miss Canada 2015, was barred from attending the 65th annual Miss World contest held on the southern Chinese island […]

Human Rights Violations in China Political Repression in China

Is All “Really” Quiet on the Eastern Front?

​​​​​​A child is the mother’s heartstrings. This old Chinese saying expresses how a mother is heartbroken at the thought of her child suffering physically or mentally. Zhuoxuan, the 16-year-old son of detained Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wang, is under house arrest. I can’t imagine the sadness of this mother. Based on my life experience […]

Human Rights Violations in China Political Repression in China

When Freedom Loses, We All Lose

In China, there is a popular idiom that loosely translates as “black and white are reversed”; it means that facts are twisted and distorted to the point that black is white and vice versa. Recently, the Chinese government accused some brave lawyers of inciting subversion, and threw  them in prison for the “crime” of defending […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

The Crucifix on the Wall

​​One of the churches on campus carries the name “Christ The King.” Every night, on my way home from the library, I stop by the church and pray outside the building. The altar is surrounded by windows. From the outside, I usually was able to clearly see the crucifix above the altar, under the diffused ceiling lights. […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Rejoicing in the Holy Spirit at a Pentecostal Rally

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” I recently participated in a Pentecostal rally held by several local churches to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. This was my first time at a Pentecostal rally. As Acts 2:1 tells us, “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Christian M&M: Ministry and Mission

​​Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28: 19 – 20 Every Christian should have a ministry and involve in the mission. The mission is to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the […]

Human Rights Violations in China Victims of Communism

My American Education: “A Ticket to Hell?”

Twenty-one centuries ago, Jesus said: “Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” Recently, a newspaper published by China’s Communist Party “declared” that Western values are a “ticket to hell”. Ironically, I found it is just the opposite. I learned American values from my American education; I found my first […]