Coronavirus China Coverup Human Rights Violations in China

China is Looting a Burning House While the World is Suffering from the Coronavirus

While the world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese regime is busy destroying evidence of its crimes – fabricating the number of coronavirus cases and death toll, jailing whistleblowers, and persecuting the frontline Chinese doctors and nurses who witnessed the disease outburst in Wuhan. On top of that, China is, quietly but aggressively, hoarding […]

Coronavirus China Coverup Human Rights Violations in China

Uncle Liu’s death: Not from coronavirus, but from the evil Communist regime

“Better to have good neighbors than relatives living far away.” This Chinese proverb tells the story of Uncle Liu, who had been our neighbor since I was about five years old. Uncle Liu and my father had been colleagues since the 1970s; they both retired in the 1990s. He was quiet but funny; he was […]