Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China Victims of Communism

“In Search of My Sister” — A Film Everyone Should Watch

Last Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to join a group of people in a small studio in the capital of the United States to watch a documentary titled In Search of My Sister. Rushan Abbas — a Uyghur human rights activist and the main character of the documentary — attended this screening. “Imagine in […]

Christian Political Repression in China Religious Persecution in China Victims of Communism

Jesus Was Born! The Chinese Communist Regime Will Fall.

In 2017, a Chinese human rights lawyer had his secret memoir “Unwavering Convictions: Gao Zhisheng’s Ten-Year Torture and Faith in China’s Future” published in the United States. Since then, Mr. Gao was forcibly taken from his home in China. In April 2023, on Mr. Gao’s 59th birthday, the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs held […]

Freedom of Speech China Political Repression in China Religious Persecution in China Victims of Communism

Shamefully Surrendering to Dictator Xi: The Prosperous, The Poor, and The Pandas

During the 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in San Francisco, California, many U.S. executives spent $40,000 to dine with Chinese President Xi at a business dinner. At the same time, Chinese diplomats paid patriotic flag-wavers (about $200 per person) to greet Xi as his convoy arrived in San Francisco; nearly 1,000 flag-wavers, mostly overseas […]

Freedom of Speech China Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China Victims of Communism

Communist China Stands with Hamas: Shameless but Not Surprising

In the 1970s, my father subscribed to a tabloid newspaper called Reference News. The newspaper has been run by the Chinese government, and for decades, has been the only official channel for the Chinese public to have a glimpse of the outside world and learn the news about foreign countries. Because the Chinese authorities control […]

Christian Freedom of Speech China Religious Persecution in China

“Love the People God Gives You”

A famous Bible verse from Jesus is “if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” My mustard seed was planted by an American professor who taught at a Chinese university in the mid-1980s. […]

Religious Persecution in China


我的第一个圣诞节是在中国过的。1985年,我刚刚考入北京大学,好奇心极强,求知欲极旺。12月25日早晨大约五点半,我的美国老师敲响了我们宿舍的门。她问我们,谁想和她去教堂。“教堂”?什么是“教堂”?我从来没听说过,更难以想象教堂是个什么地方。为什么早晨天还黑着我们去教堂?带着一连串的问题和被叫醒的兴奋劲儿,我大声地回答,“我想去教堂!” 后来这个回答成为我终身的奋斗和归宿。 1985年的中关村可谓是村中小镇,没有高楼大厦,也没有大大小小的商业店铺。我的美国老师带着我们穿过僻静的街道,来到一个坐落在煤站后面的平房。那房子破落老旧,没有标识。里面有点黑,像似一个大大的教室。前方是一张长方桌,十几条大长椅面对那张长方桌摆放着。大约八九个老人坐在前面,靠近那唯一的桌子和桌子后面的 “老师”,也就是牧师。 出于莫名的敬畏,我和其他同学坐在后面,刻意远离那些老人。 第一次进教堂,我不知道谁是耶稣基督,也不懂为啥过圣诞节,但教堂里的三件事影响了我的一生。第一,那暗淡的教堂里唯一有色彩的是那张盖着红布的桌子,牧师告诉我们12月25日是耶稣的生日,一个非常特别的节日,红桌布代表了喜庆。第二,那天牧师讲了耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,他的母亲玛丽亚受上帝之灵而怀孕生下耶稣。耶稣基督在世三十年神奇般的治愈重症病人,让盲人重见光明,拯救许多许多人。最终惨死在十字架上。第三,牧师问每个在场的是否受过洗礼,牧师分面包和红葡萄酒给受过洗礼的人。我没有收到面包和红葡萄酒,因为当牧师问我是否受过洗礼,我摇了摇头。 我的第一个圣诞节,即是偶然,也是必然。因为有了第一次和耶稣接触的机会,后来上帝创造了许多神奇的机会,让我最终受洗,成为一名基督徒。 我祈祷中国的年青人像我一样有机会认识耶稣基督并真正理解圣诞节的意义。

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Going to church and worshiping God freely is a privilege

After a long week of hard work, about ten Chinese Christians in Guangzhou, a big city in the South of China, gathered in a house church. They had just started reading the Bible and enjoying a short moment of peace and fellowship. “Bang, bang, bang…” Their worship was interrupted by heavy pounding on the door. […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

“Thy will be done” – Advice for Chinese Leaders who have ordered to rewrite the Bible

In China, Moses delivers only nine commandments. Ironic? Perhaps, this was the worst news in the 2019 world of Christianity. The Chinese Communist regime erased the first commandment – “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” and forced Christians to put the Communist Party above God as the nation’s Savior. In some Catholic churches, […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Smoke and Mirrors: Religious Freedom in China

“If you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you (Matthew 17:20).” This is what is happening in China today – more and more Chinese are sowing this mustard seed and seeking the salvation of […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Christmas – Best Gift for Chinese Children, But …

The high-pitch voice of a Chinese woman teacher was ringing dominantly around the classroom. “What festival is it on the 24th of December?” A dozen of timid children ages 9 to 10 years old answered in a very low voice. “Holy Night.” The teacher kept asking those poor children in a scolding tone, “What festival […]