Last Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to join a group of people in a small studio in the capital of the United States to watch a documentary titled In Search of My Sister. Rushan Abbas — a Uyghur human rights activist and the main character of the documentary — attended this screening. “Imagine in […]
Tag: Uyghur
During the 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in San Francisco, California, many U.S. executives spent $40,000 to dine with Chinese President Xi at a business dinner. At the same time, Chinese diplomats paid patriotic flag-wavers (about $200 per person) to greet Xi as his convoy arrived in San Francisco; nearly 1,000 flag-wavers, mostly overseas […]
In the 1970s, my father subscribed to a tabloid newspaper called Reference News. The newspaper has been run by the Chinese government, and for decades, has been the only official channel for the Chinese public to have a glimpse of the outside world and learn the news about foreign countries. Because the Chinese authorities control […]

George was an American from California. I met him in 1991 when he was teaching English at a medical college in Beijing. His greatest dream in his 38 years of life was to visit Kashgar. “Why Kashgar?” I asked. Born and raised in Beijing, I had never heard of Kashgar, let alone as a dream […]

This Sunday (4/6/2019), the Freedom Plaza in DC was a beautiful sight to behold. Hundreds of Uighurs and their supporters were waving American flags and the Blue Banners of East Turkestan, holding a rally protesting the cultural genocide that the Chinese Communist Party launched against the Uighur people in the northwestern China. Among the protesters […]