Human Rights Violations in China

Lifting One Billion Chinese Out of Poverty: The Big Lie Forward of the Communist Party

I grew up during Mao’s regime. In 1949, Mao Zedong, or Chairman Mao, brought the Communist regime to power in China. As a leader of communism, Mao was often ranked after Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. During the first decade of the regime, Mao launched several political movements to take away people’s properties such as […]

Coronavirus China Coverup Human Rights Violations in China

China is Looting a Burning House While the World is Suffering from the Coronavirus

While the world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese regime is busy destroying evidence of its crimes – fabricating the number of coronavirus cases and death toll, jailing whistleblowers, and persecuting the frontline Chinese doctors and nurses who witnessed the disease outburst in Wuhan. On top of that, China is, quietly but aggressively, hoarding […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Chinese Hunger for U.S. Products amidst Trade War

Costco is a hit in China. No doubt. On the opening day of Costco in Shanghai, thousands of customers thronged and jammed the store, fighting in front of shelves packed with meat and other produce, grabbing as much as possible. People had to wait three hours to find a spot in the parking lot; two-hour […]