I called my ailing parents in China last night. They were worried about me because the Chinese state media has been relentlessly broadcasting reports that the Trump administration is deporting non-U.S. citizens in a harsh and inhumane manner. My father told me that his friends kept asking whether I was safe. “Ba ba,” I reassured […]
Tag: Victim of Communism
Most Chinese think of Confucianism as a philosophy rather than a religion. Confucius, who lived around 2,500 years ago, laid the foundation for Chinese culture and tradition through his teachings. For thousands of years, his doctrine deeply shaped societal values. After the Communist Party came to power, though, Confucianism fell out of favor. During the […]
I was born and raised in a Communist country, where I experienced food shortages, censorship, the Cultural Revolution, lawlessness, forced abortions, inflation, government corruption, and perpetual one-party rule. Our constitution guarantees no fundamental human rights—no right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. We have no freedom of speech or religion. Deception as a […]
Every year, as June 4 approaches, I write articles to commemorate the 1989 pro-democracy student movement in China. The Tiananmen Massacre occurred on June 4th, 34 years ago. As a Chinese living outside of China, I have the privilege of “witnessing” the amazing courage of Tank Man and learning the true history of the event. […]
“History is a good place to visit, but a hard place to stay.” Pastor Foster of the New Life Assembly of God in Ohio often said this to us during his services. In this blog, I would like to visit briefly the Third Reich of the Nazi Germany and look at the potential danger of […]
(A Christian’s Testimony) Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.” In 2014, my Christian faith began to grow after I found and joined a home church. With God’s calling, I started contacting ChinaAid ― an international non-profit Christian human rights organization committed to promoting religious freedom and the rule of […]
From spring to winter, for more than 70 years, we, the people of China, have lived and are still living under a Communist regime. No freedom of speech. No freedom of religion. No freedom of assembly. No freedom at all. We are modern slaves in the 21st century. Chinese Calligraphy Posters during Mao’s Cultural Revolution […]
I grew up during Mao’s regime. In 1949, Mao Zedong, or Chairman Mao, brought the Communist regime to power in China. As a leader of communism, Mao was often ranked after Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. During the first decade of the regime, Mao launched several political movements to take away people’s properties such as […]

I graduated from Peking University in 1989. Just a few years ago, when I arrived in the U.S., a friend of mine asked me about Tank Man. “Tank Man?” – I shook my head; he could have as well be talking about E.T. “Tank who? What are you talking about?” I asked with a perplexed […]

“Better to have good neighbors than relatives living far away.” This Chinese proverb tells the story of Uncle Liu, who had been our neighbor since I was about five years old. Uncle Liu and my father had been colleagues since the 1970s; they both retired in the 1990s. He was quiet but funny; he was […]