Freedom of Speech China Human Rights Violations in China Victims of Communism

Let Freedom Ring in China: From 1989 Tiananmen to 2022 Blank White Paper

From spring to winter, for more than 70 years, we, the people of China, have lived and are still living under a Communist regime. No freedom of speech. No freedom of religion. No freedom of assembly. No freedom at all. We are modern slaves in the 21st century. Chinese Calligraphy Posters during Mao’s Cultural Revolution […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Killing the Chicken to Scare the Monkey: “Elections” in China

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey is a popular Chinese idiom. The idiom came from an old folktale. In the story, a street entertainer earned a lot of money with his dancing monkey, but one day his monkey refused to dance. Then, the entertainer killed a live chicken in front of the monkey. The […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Lifting One Billion Chinese Out of Poverty: The Big Lie Forward of the Communist Party

I grew up during Mao’s regime. In 1949, Mao Zedong, or Chairman Mao, brought the Communist regime to power in China. As a leader of communism, Mao was often ranked after Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. During the first decade of the regime, Mao launched several political movements to take away people’s properties such as […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Nipping It in the Bud: How Peaceful Demonstrations Vanished after 1989 in China

The Chinese Tank Man has become an international icon for the courage to pursue a democratic society. Not until I landed in the U.S. did I know and see his image, one of the most iconic photographs of the 20th century. I was stunned watching the unidentified man stopping the advance of a convoy of […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Birth Control Policies of the Chinese Communist Party: The Worst Case of Human Rights Abuse

My parents were born before the Communist Party took over in China. They both came from big families – my mother had three brothers and three sisters, and my father, one brother and four sisters. For my parents’ generation, it was common for a family to have five to seven children. At that time, China […]

Human Rights Violations in China

Mao’s Red-Book Campaign Was Cruel, NOT Cool!

Recently, some young Americans have praised Mao’s Red-Book Campaign like something cool. As a Chinese national who has first-hand life experience during the Mao’s Communist regime, I feel compelled to tell the true story. Mao’s Red Book campaign was filled with blood and oppression. It was a cult, not cool but cruel. I was born […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

Going to church and worshiping God freely is a privilege

After a long week of hard work, about ten Chinese Christians in Guangzhou, a big city in the South of China, gathered in a house church. They had just started reading the Bible and enjoying a short moment of peace and fellowship. “Bang, bang, bang…” Their worship was interrupted by heavy pounding on the door. […]

Human Rights Violations in China Victims of Communism

Through the Eyes of a Child: How I Remember the Chinese Cultural Revolution

I was born in China. Around the time I was born, the founder of Communist China, Mao Ze Dong, started a cultural revolution. Hundreds of historical sites and statues were destroyed; thousands of books were burned. Mao claimed, “The First Emperor only buried 460 scholars alive, while we’ve buried 46,000, a hundred times over.” The […]

Coronavirus China Coverup Human Rights Violations in China

China is Looting a Burning House While the World is Suffering from the Coronavirus

While the world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese regime is busy destroying evidence of its crimes – fabricating the number of coronavirus cases and death toll, jailing whistleblowers, and persecuting the frontline Chinese doctors and nurses who witnessed the disease outburst in Wuhan. On top of that, China is, quietly but aggressively, hoarding […]

Human Rights Violations in China Religious Persecution in China

“Thy will be done” – Advice for Chinese Leaders who have ordered to rewrite the Bible

In China, Moses delivers only nine commandments. Ironic? Perhaps, this was the worst news in the 2019 world of Christianity. The Chinese Communist regime erased the first commandment – “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” and forced Christians to put the Communist Party above God as the nation’s Savior. In some Catholic churches, […]